fertility specialist

Tips to help you choose the right fertility clinic

While many couples find the sail of becoming a parent very easy, it does remain the opposite for many others. It can be a very stressful and disheartening journey for many. It should not be anymore.

You must be aware of why the fertility specialist singapore stress avoiding postponement of getting pregnant. Several reasons are associated with it. Once women are over 30, a lot of risks start to arise. This can carry a risk to both the mother and the child. Let us look at what these risks are.

  • To a woman, there is a risk of gestational diabetes. This can affect the child too and delivery becomes a high risk factor. Strict diet control and medication become highly essential in such cases.
  • More chances of caesarean delivery are present. While this can happen even in normal cases, a higher risk exists in the case of delayed pregnancy.
  • Preeclampsia which arises due to high blood pressure is a highly dangerous condition. This can also arise due to delayed pregnancy and can cause fatal damage to both mother and the child.
  • Preterm delivery also may happen and the child may not be born healthy. The child may also have low birth weight and maybe kept under observation for a long time.
  • It can also lead to congenital structural abnormalities in the child. These may become identifiable either at birth or even during later stages of life.
  • Structural cardiac anomalies also may occur to the child due to late pregnancy.